Thursday, 1 November 2012

What Is A Tablet Computer?

Abstract:  This article will help you understand what a tablet computer is, a brief history on tablet computers, the purpose of a tablet computer and what the differences are between standard desktop computers and the tablet computer.

What is a tablet computer?

A tablet computer is a very lightweight and portable mobile computer.  It is larger than a mobile phone or pda  and is integrated into a flat touch screen.  They are normally operated using on screen touch however it is possible to use a keyboard with some tablet computers.

When were tablet computers made?

The truth is that the tablet computer has been around for a lot longer than you may think.  The first tablet computers were used in the 1980s and back then they mainly used pen as an input device.  In the late 90s early 2000s Microsoft created tablet computers.  These tablets were designed for businesses i.e note taking/field work and for data capture in the likes of Hospitals or the health industry.  The truth is though that the tablets at that time were too big  and heavy and didn't quite work well.  

It has only been recently that the tablet computer has became a world wide sensation because of the release of the Ipad in 2010.  The main reason why the tablet is so popular now is because of the easy to use touch screen technology and its light weight and size.

What is a tablet computer used for?

A tablet computer today is mainly used as a portable media consumption device.  They are mainly used for checking emails, the internet, playing games, playing music, reading, maps and taking notes.  They do also have other uses in the likes of business for doing things like presentations and recording meetings.  In the health industry they can be used for recording data.

What is the difference between a tablet and a normal computer?

The biggest difference between a tablet and a normal desktop computer is the size and portability issue.  Secondly a desktop pc is generally a lot more powerful and can handle a lot more tasks.  There are also a lot more performance demanding and specialized programs which can only be run on a computer.  That's the other main difference: a tablet can't run specialized high power consumptions programs such as computer aided design software.  A tablet computer runs on a battery which will need recharged where as a desktop computer runs on mains.

What is a tablet computer good for?

A tablet computer is good for browsing emails, the internet, playing games, taking notes, watching videos, reading books and maps all on the go.  It is good for sharing amongst the family and your friends.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this article and learnt what a tablet computer is as well as a few other things.

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